My philosophy is rooted in the idea that our context drives how we interact with the world around us, and therefore, each individual will bring their own strengths and challenges to my classroom. I work to build an inclusive classroom where every student gets to bring in their authentic identity to the task at hand.
My Experience
Introduction to Soils at Colorado College
In October 2023, I taught Introduction to Soils at Colorado College during Block 3. During this class we went and visited all three of my PhD field sites, looked at a gradient of soil development in the Colorado Rockies in Staunton State Park, and learned about how paleosols from Toadstool Geologic Park record information about the uplift of the Rockies.
Geological Sciences Lead graduate teaching fellow
I was the CU Geological Sciences lead graduate teaching fellow for AY2021-2022. In this role, I provided teaching consultations for department TAs and led workshops on pedagogy for the Center for Teaching and Learning as well as for the department. My legacy project from this role was to help implement field safety protocols and to assess TA needs.
Certificate in College Teaching
Through the Center of Teaching and Learning at CU I received a certificate in college teaching. As a part of this certificate I received over 80Â hours of both general and discipline specific pedagogical training.
Teaching Assistant at CU for 6 semesters
While at CU, I TA'd for both Earth Materials (GEOL 2005) and Structural Geology (GEOL 3120). In both classes, I helped to update materials to reflect principals of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Senior Thesis Advising
While at CU, I helped advise two undergraduate research projects. In 2020, Sarah Brookins (pictured here) collaborated on our modern calibration project in Colorado and Nebraska, and helped produce critical contextual data for our stable isotope data.

Supporting summer research experiences for undergraduate students
While at CU, I worked with the research experiences in solid earth sciences for students (RESESS) over three summers. For two of the summers, I acted as a writing mentor, providing feedback on student's deliverable products. In 2019, I was the graduate assistant to the program director. In that role, I helped students navigate social-emotional challenges, provided feedback on writing, and helped organize group field trips.
Informal Education for elementary - high school aged students

Field geology for ages 5 - 10
For 4Â summers I taught field geology summer camps for students aged 5 - 10 through CU Science Discovery. Through CU Science Discovery, I also received informal education pedagogy training and observational feedback.
Introducing students to a lab setting
In the CUBES-SIL, we have brought elementary and high school aged students into the lab. We have partnered with the GAMES program through the CU Museum and with CU Science Discovery. These experiences give students hands-on experiences in a world-class lab